Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mr. J, can I make one of your puzzles?

Why, yes you can!  You just need a piece of plywood (1/8"x12"x12"), 15 minutes and access to the Ciongoli Center for Innovation.  I have saved my files in a folder in "documents" named "Johnson".

To make a puzzle, you need to print two different files.  A greenblue file and a red file.

The greenblue file is to raster (engrave) the wood with words and designs.  It also includes a vector pass which outlines letters for emphasis and draws simple lines quickly on the surface of the wood.   Note: rastering takes a long time and is impractical for drawing thin lines - much better to go with fast speed vectoring!

The red file does the real cutting (through the wood) and is typically done after the greenblue print.

The settings I use for the two prints:

greenblue:  Raster 100% speed / 100% power    
                    Vector  100% speed / 100% power

red: Raster Off  
        Vector 10% speed / 100% power

After printing, my puzzles usually require gluing.  Make sure you take your time and are as precise as possible with alignment as a small mistake will send your puzzle to the trash heap.

Hope you give it a try!  Let me know how it goes.

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